Constitution and Bylaws


Article 1

This club shall be known as the “Hodaka Club”

 Article 2

Active members shall be riders or owners of Hodaka powered motorcycles, persons actively concerned with the trade or other Hodaka enthusiasts. Honorary members shall be other persons as the club may decide by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting. Only active members shall be entitled to vote in club affairs.

Article 3

The officers of the club shall be a president, secretary, chief legislative officer, insurance communications officer, treasurer, meet coordinator, and referee. These officers plus an additional two members at large shall constitute the executive board.

Article 4

The duties of the President shall be:

·         To preside at all meetings of the club

·         To have general supervision of the affairs of the club

·         To appoint any person or committee not otherwise ordered by the club

·         To personally represent the club on proper occasions and in business contracts

·         To assist all other officers of the club in their records, correspondence and other duties

·         To promote interest on the part of each member in club life and activities

Article 5

The duties of the Secretary shall be:

·         To keep a record of the meetings of the club

·         To send out notices of regular or special meetings

·         To handle all club correspondence

·         To perform such other duties as generally fall to that office

Article 6

The duties of the Chief Legislative Officer shall be:

·         To perform the duties of the President in his/her absence

·         To monitor local and state legislative activities affecting motorcycling

·         To communicate with the district legislative officer or AMA Congress Delegate any of the legislative activities identified

·         To work with the district, AMA Congress Delegates and AMA Government Relations Department to promote programs and legislation that will benefit motorcyclists

Article 7

The duties of the Insurance Communications Officer shall be:

·         To insure events are properly sanctioned

·         To insure that liability insurance coverage is in place

·         To insure that the registration process for events operates properly, including signing of release forms

·         To complete and forward to AMA Headquarters the properly completed post-event paperwork required after every AMA sanction

·         To research and consolidate information on all participant or spectator mishaps during an AMA sanctioned event, complete and forward the injury report form to the AMA no later than 14 days after the event. However, in the case of a fatality or serious injury - serious injury being defined as any injury requiring hospitalization - telephone the AMA the first working day following your event, and the injury report form is to be mailed to the AMA within 24 hours after the event - along with the release form and data card from the injured party.

Article 8

The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

·         To collect dues from all members

·         To collect all other money due the club

·         To maintain club financial records and deliver reports on a timely basis

Article 9

The duties of the Meet Coordinator shall be:

·         To lead the activities committee in planning all club tours, runs, activities, etc.

·         To lead the club in formation, riding, or parades, or appoint an honorary leader for such occasions

·         To stimulate interest in activities

·         To assist in handling club socials, parties, and other functions

·         To enforce all rules of group riding

·         To select assistants to aid in special tasks

Article 10

The duties of the Referee shall be to:

·         Generally supervise all sanctioned competition events promoted by the club

·         Responsibilities of the referee are described in the AMA rulebooks

Article 11

The duties of the Executive Board shall be:

·         To act for the club in all matters ordered by the club

·         To make final decisions on member expulsions

·         To properly investigate and present to the club all business or important activity situations

·         To have general control over all club affairs

Article 12

All elective offices shall be filled at an election to be held on the third Saturday in June of each odd numbered year. All officers shall hold offices for two years or until their successors are elected and qualified.   In the event an officer is unable to fill his / her full term, the president may appoint a member to fill the remainder of the term.  The appointment must receive a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.  If, for any reason, an office of the executive board is empty, the president may temporarily assign the duties of that office to another qualified member of the club, or another officer of the executive board.  The exception being that the president may not assume the duties of treasurer.

Article 14

The regular meetings of the club shall be held on the third Saturday in June at 6:00 PM, but the President or Executive Board may call a special meeting at any time by advance notice.

Article 15

Active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for transaction of club business.

Article 16

The constitution may be amended, providing the proposed amendment is submitted in writing at a regular meeting. It shall then be advertised for four weeks and voted on at the next meeting or by mail-in ballot. A two-thirds vote of all active members in good standing shall be required to pass an amendment.

Article 17

Note: A portion of article 3 and article 7 are superseded by the 17th amendment.

The Insurance Communication Officer shall hereafter be referred to as the Risk Management Officer.

Article 18

Note: A portion of article 3 and article 9 are superseded by the 18th amendment.

The Meet Coordinator officer position is eliminated from the executive board.  The Meet Coordinators duties are assigned to the activities committee.

Article 19

Note: A portion of article 14 is superseded by the 19th amendment.

All elected offices shall be filled by a mail in election to be conducted between Jan 1 and March 31 every even numbered year.

Article 20

Note: A portion of article 14 is superseded by the 20th amendment.

The regular meetings of the club shall be held at the annual Hodaka Days event.  If the event is cancelled, the president shall schedule a meeting at a place of his or her choosing before the end of the calendar year.  Notice of an alternate time and location shall be advertised on the club web site for a period of not less than four weeks prior to the meeting.


Number 1

Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary proceeding of this club unless otherwise provided by these by-laws. The order of business shall be:

1)    Roll call

2)    Reading of minutes of previous meeting

3)    Report of officers

4)    Unfinished business

5)    New business

Number 2

Standing committees shall be the Activities Committee, made up of at least three members.

The Activities Committee shall have general charge of all tours, runs, competitive meets and club social functions, subject to such orders as the club may give.

Other committees may be appointed as necessary by the Executive Board.

Number 3

All bills must be reviewed and approved by at least two members of the Executive Board before they are paid. All checks should be signed by either the treasurer or president.

Number 4

On payment of dues, the applicant will be placed on probation for one month. Afterward, his/her conduct being satisfactory, he/she becomes a member and entitled to all privileges of the club.

Number 5

The club dues shall be $25 per year.  The dues for each year shall be paid not later than 60 days after the member’s anniversary date.  Any member two months or more behind in his/her dues shall be considered not in good standing and shall not be entitled to vote at club meetings or in mail-in elections.

Number 6

Any member more than five months behind in his/her dues will be terminated and lose their club seniority if they renew their membership at a later date.

Number 7

A member may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member of the club, but charges must first be madein writing and the accused member given a hearing before the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall take evidence and report its findings to the club with the recommendation that the charges be considered proven and the accused member be expelled, or the charges be considered not proven and the accused remain a member of the club. The club shall then vote whether the recommendation of the Executive Board shall be adopted. It shall require a two-thirds vote of the active members present and entitled to vote to veto the recommendation of the Executive Board.

Number 8

All active members of the club executive board shall be members of the American Motorcyclist Association.

Number 9

Only active members shall be eligible to hold office.

Copyright © 2024 The Hodaka Club

 Hodaka Name and Logo are Copyright © Hodaka Parts, Inc. and used with permission 

The Hodaka Club is chartered by the American Motorcyclist Association (2006) and incorporated in the State of Oregon.

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